Available through Liz O'Brien
Oh my goodness! So many things to discuss today on DFS. First, have you seen Mary McDonald's STUNNING new book? You must, it is one of the best of the new decor books out now, promoting what we do (enriching lives, saving marriages, improving property values, etc.), NEXT, what about this new online magazine called LONNY? Have you seen it yet? How about HIGH GLOSS? Surely this is the wave of the future in publishing. CSN, an online furniture store, did about 350 million last year in sales. What does that tell us? Of course, in our very discerning designers world, there is furniture, and then there is FURNITURE! As in, say, the stock at Liz O'Briens esoteric shop/gallery in New York. Friend James Andrew just posted about her (again) he loves that place, and no wonder - I found two items that inspired me for todays post, these Albert Hadley "Hurricane" candle holders, and this Jansen table purchased from the Wrightsman sale of her London apartment. (see my earlier Wrightsman post) Can you just picture one or two of these sitting on this table, perhaps near a window, and just glittering away? AND, yesterday I spied a John Derian glass decoupage candle holder - with butterflies, which would GLOW when the candle was lit! How charming is that? Enjoy the day dear readers, wherever you are! DF *****