Showing posts with label Jayne Wrightsman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jayne Wrightsman. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A Romantic Ruin in Palm Beach

515 North County Road, Palm Beach

Imagine, where once the estate of Mona and Harrison Williams, and later - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman ~stood, there is now a "95 million dollar tear-down" (Palm Beach Daily News) - however, with over 400 feet of direct ocean frontage, perhaps the price is reasonable- and no doubt, this property will most likely be sub-divided, pending town approvals...let's wait and  see what happens!  DF*****  

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Chateau de Menars

Brunschwig et Fils Menars fabric at the former Wrightsman house, Palm Beach, FL

Besides the old Rory Cameron villa, La Fiorentina, I've always admired the former house of Jayne Wrightsman, in PB, where this Brunschwig cotton print, called Menars ~ was used in a major way by Vincent Fourcade...

Click here to read about the Loire Valley chateau called Menars, which Madame de Pompadour acquired back in 1760.  Enjoy!  DF *****

Madame de Pompadour, by Francois Boucher

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jayne Wrightsman

Iceland born artist Katrin Sigurdardottir's installation

Palm Beach

New York

New York


I am all about the style of Jayne Wrightsman. You can call it old school perhaps, but she is so classic in her taste, that labels become useless. As Sister Parish once said, one either has it, or one doesn't ... Mrs. Wrightsman definitely has it. These images are the proof of the pudding, from New York and London apartments. Design enthusiasts adore her, since she is an icon of style in the most haute sense of the word. Enjoy! DF *****

PS, When in New York, check out the Wrightsman galleries at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Artist Katrin Sigurdardottir has created conceptual installations based on these rooms!