Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Real Thing: Garrick C. Stephenson

Once again, I was most fortunate while residing in the great city of New York, as a younger man, to work briefly in the gallery and offices of the late, highly esteemed art and antiques dealer, Garry Stephenson. A Yalie who attended Parsons, and worked for a while for McMillen, he opened his townhouse shop in 1959, when I was a mere toddler. One of his daughters has a place here in Naples. He kept a place on Palm Beach. His wife Claire had been married to Prince Ivan Obolensky, an Astor descendant. So, yes, Mr. Stephenson was most definitely THE REAL THING. He wore Huntsman and Anderson and Sheppard, shot in Scotland, had another daughter in Paris, and was in the social register. I still remember with fondness installing some Evian in the new fridge at his new place on East 66th Street, which Parkin Saunders had been working on. I also got to eat the most divine "silver dollar" sandwiches for lunch from William Poll on Madison Avenue for my lunch almost every day! It was all fab. People like Gayfryd Steinberg would pop in and measure a table, for instance. A lot of his things were priced in the six figures, and were displayed in the Revlon Building gallery like pieces of art, which they were. His eye was most refined, and he never went in for the obvious sorts of objects. Mr. S was also involved with the Parrish art museum in Southampton and was a collector of paintings as well as being a very good golfer. Paintings - as in Vuillard, and Magritte. Another daughter lives in Brussels, where there is a Magritte Museum. Mr. S was always very kind to me, and nothing but a gentleman, all the way, first class baby! I just felt like sharing this with you, since I was very much influenced by his style, and his manner. Polished to perfection, quiet, and very kind. Beverly, thanks for the memories! DF *****