Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fabulous Fabrics - Tissus Pour La Maison

Spring 2010 Scalamandre'

Sunbrella - Joe Ruggiero

Thibaut (using for some outdoor furniture)

Stout (using for some toss pillows)

What could be better than these beautiful textiles from Scalamandre', Stout, and Thibaut, plus Sunbrella ? The real benefit is that most of them can be used either indoors OR out ! I'm still shocked when visiting my trade fabric showrooms to see how many of these are now offered. Everything from mod to trad... neon bright to old guard subdued... AMAZING ! Here, I show some I'm currently working with for various design projects in Naples. I've always been partial to Scalamandre', and Ed Goodman there (New York) is still a good friend. I once decorated an entire 19th century house in Charleston, SC all in Scalamandre' !!! I also have used a lot of Thibaut, and used their wallpapers exclusively in my Old Naples Pettit Square apartment (two bathrooms and the kitchen) - The prints they offer are very fresh in coloration and design. Enjoy these shots I took just for you ! DF *****