Monday, May 21, 2012

Gifts from Albert!

I treasure the things I was given by Albert Hadley. They remind me of him, on a daily basis. One day, I was over at the cottage, on 11th Avenue South, and he was about to throw this small Parsons table in the trash. I didn't ask him for it, he asked me if I wanted it, and of course I said yes! I love that the table too had been published in Judith Gura's book "New York Interior Design Inventors of Tradition" - see picture above - from a 1985 incarnation of Albert's famous New York living room. I kept it in the original ochre gold lacquer for years, and just recently painted it myself in a black lacquer. The Spanish Louis XV style chair had been sitting in Albert's guest house here, and when I saw it I knew it had to be mine. Albert had it upholstered in a Jack Larsen linen-lame' and the flat tape trim is a hallmark of his attention to detail. A client of mine bought the chair for me in lieu of a design fee, and I've enjoyed it ever since. I also have a drawing of Albert's which Tice gave me, of the Getty dining room in New York. It's a blue print of the original, and unfortunately has faded quite a bit. Lastly, I have notes and cards and sketches Albert gave me during our friendship, which I treasure, just as I treasured his wonderful friendship and kindness. DF *****