Sunday, August 26, 2012

Super Man, Stephen Jaron

I was more than delighted to see my friend Stephen Jaron, published in the September issue of "Naples Illustrated". Outstanding local businessmen were selected via a vote-in contest sponsored by the hottest lifestyle magazine in the Naples area. Stephen is the owner of two construction companies, the father of twins, and the husband of my good friend Amanda Jaron, the jewelry designer I've posted about here before. A dynamic duo, the couple makes their home here in Naples, and I've very much enjoyed getting to know both of them ever since Amanda asked me to meet her at Starbucks for coffee and conversation, years ago. The last time I saw them together we were all at a private party down at the Port Royal Club thrown by Jon Scott Mueller and Judith Liegeios for old friends. I also enjoyed the issue as it was created by the new editor, Dorothea Hunter Sonne, and look forward to upcoming issues. DF *****