I was just browsing through one of my books, ROYAL PALACES, edited by M. Morelli, and happened to notice that my drawing room bears a faint resemblance to the Council Room at the royal palace of Turin, in northern Italy. This interesting room, once known as the Sleep Room, due to the 17th c. ceiling fresco by Jean Miel depicting Hannibal asleep among the Iberians - inspires me with its elegantly understated palette of green and gold...I am very fond of palaces, as they remind me of a previous life I must have led... sans TV, computer, and cell phones... King Carlo Alberto in 1848 signed, in this very room, the order to fight the Austrian invasion, and later his son, known as "the gentleman king" Vittorio Emanuele II, continued in his fathers direction, favoring the policy of enlightenment that would unite Italy and free it from Austrian domination. Compare these images and marvel at the similarities ! DF*****